Holy Trinity, Holy Smoke! —Part 3 of a Series on Vital Posts

Part 3 of Linda Buskirk’s series about Holy Trinity has come out in Vital Posts, a blog by the Episcopal Church Foundation to get the word out about signs of vitality around the church. You might be pleased to know that the article ends with this comment:

Holy Trinity is a blessing to its corner of God’s Kingdom. Its people have prayed and listened to God’s answer: serve and be in relationship with your neighbors. Please join me in giving thanks for Holy Trinity’s witness and praying that God will continue to bless their faithfulness in the years ahead.

Not too shabby for a congregation that just a few months ago had to seriously consider whether God was calling us to close our doors!  I am so proud to be your priest!

Living Core Values—Holy Trinity Featured in “By Word and Example” Article

Linda Buskirk interviewed me the other day for an article on our diocesan blog, By Word and Example. The article is part of a series joyfully exploring the legacy of leadership of Bishop Ed Little and Canon SuzeAnne Silla” by looking at the way different parishes have been living out the core values of the diocese. You might be pleased to know that Linda says:

Holy Trinity reflects all of our Diocese’s Core Values.   The people are passionate about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they have a heart for the lost, a willingness to do whatever it takes, and a commitment to one another.  May each of our congregations find inspiration in their story.

I would tell you more, but you should read the article itself, especially because it ends with a lovely poem by Kelly Renz, a parishioner at Trinity, Fort Wayne!