The Feast of St. Mary the Virgin


The Church of the Holy Trinity invites you to a Procession and Eucharist in Honor of

The Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin

on Tuesday, August 15 at 6:30 pm

Please Join Us on the The Feast of St. Mary the Virgin as we keep the ancient tradition of the Crowning of Mary in Solemn Procession followed by a Sung Eucharist. In the Episcopal Church, we celebrate the end of Mary’s earthly ministry and her joyous reception into the hosts of heaven without specifying how, in fact, this came about. So, whether you believe that Mary was assumed bodily into heaven without experiencing death or that she experienced a death as gentle as falling asleep, there is a place for you in the procession. What we all share is the recognition that Jesus’ joy in receiving his mother provides us a foretaste of the joy that will greet us when, having experienced the forgiveness of sins, we too will have entered the realms of heaven. We invite you to come celebrate that promised joy with us!